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[跟帖评论] [进入论坛]发布时间:12-03-13 09:39 来源:官方 作者:坏小鱼

来自暴雪北美官方社区,由玩家发起的一个小活动,类似之前我们论坛所举行的#一句话证明你是暗黑玩家#,该玩家希望能够搜集到101条我们为什么爱暗黑3的理由,该活动不仅受到玩家追捧,连管理员 Kaivax 也参与其中,为它添砖加瓦!经过几天的努力,101条理由已经收集完成!

  56) The seamless transition into mini-dungeons 无缝过渡到小型地牢

  57) over 100 viable different skills for each class! 每个角色有超过100种技能

  58) It's going to be released this year 今年就要发售

  59) The Den of the fallen. 陨石的大坑

  60) Inferno MF heaven. 炼狱是MF的天堂

  61) Smashing barrels. 可以被破坏的桶

  62) Getting a huge drop that you can't use, but you follower totally can. 你可以获得很多虽然你自己不可以用但追随者可以用的东西

  63) The hours of awesome music in the game beyond the Skeleton King. 刷骷髅王时的音乐

  64) Hero banners that reflect your achievements. 战旗可以让人知道你有多牛逼闪闪

  65) Achievements. 成就系统

  66) Individual loot. 自己显示自己的掉落

  67) Lore to be found and read / listened-to all over Sanctuary. 在庇护所周围去寻求那些传说中的宝藏

  68) The incredible Blizzard cinematics. 难以置信的出色的暴雪动画

  69) The resulting fan art, fan fiction, videos, comics, and podcasts. 各种游戏周边

  70) Diverse Crafting system ;) 系统多样

  71) The way monsters POP when ya kill em 杀死怪物时他们嗝屁的样子很爽

  72) No need to re-roll the same character class 100000000000000000 times 不用为了技能重练各种小号

  73) cliffhanger ending/set up for the expansions 资料片

  74) Free skill swapping 可以随时转换技能

  75) I tried to count how many we've killed...but I've lost count. 数不过来杀了多少怪

  76) Demons explode into 1,000 tiny pieces!喜欢恶魔们被撕成碎片的样子

  77) The groove of the game 游戏很出彩

  78) You were a TEMPLAR JONDAR!

  79) Potion cooldown 嗑血瓶的冷却CD

  80) Barb- and the sweet feeling i get when zombies blow apart from hammer of the ancients 看到那些僵尸的身体在我野蛮人的先古之锤下支离破碎,我好兴奋

  81) Old Tristram looks the same as in D2, just better graphics good job! 崔斯特瑞姆和D2很像

  82) The fact that each character is equally as appealing and powerful, but so different .每个角色各有特色

  83) awsome wallpapers~ 壁纸很棒

  84) The Barbarian's spear move. "GET OVER HERE!" :) 喜欢BB上古之矛一声吼

  85) Epic ambientation

  86) Runes system and visual changes 符文系统和视觉效果的改善

  87) Playing a co-operatve game with RL friends. 可以和好基友一起玩儿

  88) I love the "Destruction!" xp perk. I like trying to break my record. 我喜欢刷新我的连击记录

  89) Blood spatter 血滴

  90) Decapitations 斩首

  91) Bits of dead demons bouncing around 蹦蹦跳跳的怪物群

  92) Reducing demons to fine pink mist in the air 恶魔的死法**

  93) Having the option to play lore audio while running around and killing stuff. 击杀声效选择

  94) Enemies that wander around, set traps, or ambush you. 被怪物簇拥的感觉

  95) The fact that I am having a genuinely hard time choosing which character to start with at release because they are all so damn fun. 我爱所有角色,不知道该如何挑选先玩儿哪个。

  96) That feeling of utter satisfaction when you kill everything around you 杀光,强光,烧光一切的感觉真好。

  97) MF being averaged between everyone in the party. 平均掉落机制好

  98) Angel Wings. 天使的翅膀很好看

  99) Very fast game switching including joining games with people you know and using teleport to them to get right into the thick of it. 快速加入游戏和任务

  100) Skeleton AI 骷髅的AI

  101) The game 这个游戏总之就是好!!!

更多暗黑3游戏资讯暗黑3新的掉落收益平衡机制正在测试中 暗黑3新的掉落收益平衡机制正在测试中 2012游戏开发者大会暴雪现场招聘 暗黑3P14更新文件解析:读取画面更新

