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[跟帖评论] [进入论坛]发布时间:12-03-13 09:39 来源:官方 作者:坏小鱼

来自暴雪北美官方社区,由玩家发起的一个小活动,类似之前我们论坛所举行的#一句话证明你是暗黑玩家#,该玩家希望能够搜集到101条我们为什么爱暗黑3的理由,该活动不仅受到玩家追捧,连管理员 Kaivax 也参与其中,为它添砖加瓦!经过几天的努力,101条理由已经收集完成!

  1) The smooth combat 流畅的战斗

  2) 3d graphics 3D视图

  3) Health globes instead of potions. I hated potions. 血球的应用很好,我讨厌嗑药流!

  4) Ability play solo/co-op based on preference 既能单人玩儿也能联机玩儿

  5) A better trading system 更好的交易系统

  6) More time actually playing the game then sitting in town, etc. 促使我们减少回城次数的各种机制

  7) potential for much greater build diversity BUILD多样性潜力

  8) Possibility of Frenzy/sprint/charge/aoe build on barb BB的各种减速、冲刺、AOE等技能效果

  9) organized pvp PVP模式

  10) Whole new story in the Diablo series 全新的剧情

  11) Clever forum goers. 聪明的论坛水友

  12) Combat. 战斗好玩儿

  13) Gender choice 性别选择的加入

  14) Random side quests/events 随机事件的加入

  15) More interesting encounters 更多有趣的遭遇战

  16) Tasteful background music 耐人寻味的背景音乐

  17) They started designing the game when I was 10, so I have a good chance of playing it during my lifetime. 他们在我十岁时开始设计这个游戏,现在这个游戏即将发售,可以说伴随了我的成长,让我以后有东西可玩儿了。

  18) Inferno 炼狱模式的加入

  19) You can still pause the game when playing single player (by hitting Esc) ESC可以暂停游戏

  20) Play Diablo after 10 years again :) 十年后重温经典

  21) all skills being viable end game 技能设计的很赞

  22) Skill-Runes 技能符文系统很赞

  23) The amazing attention to detail 细节做得太精致了

  24) Sweet gear to hunt down! MF牛逼闪闪的装备

  25) Monk - the most fun character I ever played in RPG games EVER 我爱武僧!

  26) Loot Explosions! 大量的掉落

  27) Hero characters and followers with personality 有个性的角色和追随者

  28) Bigger inventory 更大的箱子和背包

  29) Resource/Energy systems that let you continuously use special abilities right from the start 能源系统

  30) Amazing sound design 声效很赞

  31) Shared gold and stash 分享掉落

  32) Barbarian moon physics 野蛮人无视地球引力的强大力量

  33) Easy transport to friends using banners 用战旗可以很快的传送到朋友那儿

  34) Customizable followers 可塑造的追随者

  35) Auto-pickup gold 自动拾取金币

  36) Graphic detail (missing shingles on rooftops, moon reflected in puddles of water, bloody footprints, etc.) 各种细节,比如水中的倒影,脚印等等

  37) Monsters that spawn in a variety of creative ways 各种各样的怪物多样的出场方式

  38) Faster pace character development (gaining access to multiple new skills and abilities at nearly every level) 更快的人物培养节奏

  39) Return of the BUTCHER! 屠夫的回归

  40) The male demon hunter's scarf! 男猎魔人的围巾

  41) a game worth the wait of release 值得等待

  42) Tyrael, whether he ends up a good guy or a bad guy. 我爱泰瑞尔

  43) Resplendent Chests 金碧辉煌的衣柜

  44) Female Demon Hunter - "Do you want MORE??" 女猎魔人会说“你还想要么?”

  45) Male Wizard - "You dare attack me?!" 男巫会说“你敢打我?”

  46) Female Barbarian warcries 我爱女野蛮人

  47) Witch doctors - gentle and soft spoken but deal in death magic 巫医,死亡魔力的温柔诱惑

  48) Awesome skill names such as "S** to the Face" and "Toad of Hugeness" 技能名称很赞

  49) Physics in game 物理效果很赞

  50) Demon Hunter 我爱猎魔人

  51) No declaring hostile in game and griefing. 不会像D2那样在野外被背后捅刀子

  52) critical hits that kill a mob=EXPLOSION! WOOH! 暴击的感觉就是好

  53) the templar stating when there is a nearby elite. A WORTHY FOE! 圣堂武士

  54) Complex crafting 复杂的工匠

  55) chaining destruction and mob kills 连击杀设置

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